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Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Corrèze

Ussel - Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Corrèze

The famous Green Meridian runs through Ussel, a town in the last foothills of the Millevaches plateau in north-east Corrèze. Nestling on the borders of Auvergne and the Limousin, between the Diège and Sarsonne valleys, the welcoming small town invites you to discover its rich past through its historic monuments.

To discover Ussel's architectural heritage, head to the old centre, which has a series of old houses with turrets and elegant houses like the ducal house of the Ventadours built in the 16th century, a very beautiful Renaissance edifice built with stones from the ruined old castle… Also, don't miss the charming Pelauds fountain on Place Joffre, the Roman eagle on Place Voltaire, and a granite funerary sculpture dating from the 2nd-3rd century!

The Church of St. Martin is listed on the Inventory of Historic Monuments and was built in the 12th and 13th centuries. Its choir and chevet are typical of the Romanesque style and it houses some beautiful stalls from the 18th century as well as a polychrome wood Pietà dating from the 16th century.

A museum devoted to the history, arts and traditions of the Ussel area invites you to discover its collections, spread across several sites: the Bonnot de Bay mansion from the 18th century, with exhibits including tools from yesteryear, liturgical books and tapestries from Marche; the Moncourier-Beauregard house, which contains a reconstruction of a traditional Ussel home interior; the Imprimerie, an old house with a turret devoted to the world of lithographic and typographic printing; and the 15th-century Chapel of the Penitents, which contains some remarkable pieces of religious art, including a magnificent Baroque altarpiece that is a listed Historic Monument.

Additional information

Ussel, capital of Haute-Corrèze and sub-prefecture of Corrèze.

Situated near Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Brive-la-Gaillarde and Aurillac, Ussel occupies a strategic position on the road from Lyon to Bordeaux. Less than 5 hours from Paris, the city is connected to the transport networks by the A89 motorway, with two exits serving the city, the train station, or the airports of Brive-la-Gaillarde, Limoges and Clermont-Ferrand.

With its industrial heritage, Ussel has become the cradle of the economic development of Haute-Corrèze. It has shops, administrative services, a childhood center, a cinema, a media library or a cultural center that contribute to its attractiveness. The city also has a nearby hospital center with emergency services and a modern medical imaging service.

Its rich historical heritage (old center, Roman eagle, ducal house of Ventadours or museum of Ussel dedicated to popular arts and traditions) and its proximity to the forests, trails and tourist complex of Ponty, She is a pleasant and charming town.

In recent years, the city has received several awards:

Flowered City - 3 flowers.

The most sporting city of the central massif (awarded in 2010) for the diversity of sports, sports results, youth projects and the many sporting events hosted or proposed.

Playful and sporting city (awarded in 2013) for diversity and accessibility to sports practices on Ussel.

Ussel quai-sports: this label rewards sports associations that are committed to children and commit themselves to respecting the "Charter of Rights and Duties of the Sports Child".

Marianne d'Or of local democracy for the development and the cultural enlargement on the territory of Ussellois.

Agenda 21 local France: in December 2013 Agenda 21 of the city was recognized "Agenda 21 local France" by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Energy.

Things to see and do

The old center, Roman eagle, the ducal house Ventadours.

The Museum of Country Ussel dedicated to popular arts and traditions.

The resort Ponty.

Places of interest

Information points
Leisure centres

Events and festivities

The city has an important associations. These associations offer throughout the year events and entertainment.

Every Saturday morning in the city center Sunday morning instead Célestin Lafon, non-sedentary merchants invite you to purchase products from local agriculture, apparel products or gardens.

The first and third Wednesdays of each month, fairs take place in a part of the city center and the place Alsace Lorraine.

When summer arrives, farmers markets of countries allow residents and vacationers to buy fresh produce. Real friendly place, they can spend a pleasant evening with a meal and a movie. They take place every Tuesday in July and August on the place Marcel Pagnol.

Exposition "Ussel en Guerre"
Cours de Yoga Collectifs en Plein air
Exposition Picasso
Stage de Lithographie
Exposition de Pierre Nouaille
Escape Game Familial « Le Mystère de la Lettre Noire »
Havana au Château
La Galerie du Pontabourg
Chasse au Trésor « Le Calice d’Argent »
Activité VTT Encadrée Sports Nature Haute-Corrèze


See photo
Roman Aigle - Place Voltaire
Roman Aigle - Place Voltaire
See photo
Tourist center of Ponty
Tourist center of Ponty
See photo
Museum of the Country of Ussel
Museum of the Country of Ussel
See photo

Visits, leisure and activities nearby


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