A land of nature and hiking watered by the Loire and Allier rivers, the department of Haute-Loire is located in the heart of Auvergne, in the central-eastern part of the Massif Central. A lush, green destination shaped by volcanoes and rivers, Haute-Loire offers a huge range of outdoor activities through its Respirando quality label, such as hiking, mountain biking and horse-riding, whitewater pursuits, fishing, sailing, acrobatics courses in the forest and winter sports, all in magnificent, unspoilt landscapes that make it the ideal place to rest and recuperate.
It boasts a very rich architectural heritage, consisting of hilltop castles, Romanesque churches and picturesque villages, and numerous cultural activities take place there throughout the year.
Its local cuisine is another of its many attractions and will delight lovers of authentic gastronomy, exalted by its chefs and supported by local producers.