For a weekend in April, Roman legionaries, an imperial court, riders and battle chariots take over the city of Nîmes to take part in one of the biggest re-enactments of ancient history in Europe.
Over 500 actors and extras from all over France, Italy and Germany participate in the event. A grandiose spectacle lasting an hour -and-a-half takes place in the arena on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Each year, the Great Roman Games has a different theme and depicts a highlight of ancient history. Several scenes unfold with equestrian vaulting demonstrations, gladiatorial combat and chariot racing.
2,000 years after its construction, Nîmes amphitheatre's original beauty has remained intact, with room for up to 24,000 spectators. There is also plenty of free entertainment in the city centre: fancy dress parades, guided tours of the archaeological museum and the Maison Carrée temple, and Roman weapon-handling workshops for children.