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Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Loiret

Saran is a commune in the Loiret region Centre-Val de Loire. It is located about five kilometers of Orleans and Ingré, close to Fleury-les-Aubrais and Semoy. The city experienced an important development in the second half of the twentieth century, becoming one of the ten largest cities in the Loiret with over 15 500 inhabitants.

Despite this rapid growth, the city has maintained a harmonious balance with many green spaces and heritage attractions. Saran charming city by its appearance in the country that can enjoy the greenery while enjoying all the shops and other leisure activities and sports. Animated, the city of Loiret also offers various events playful and famous throughout the region.

Geographical information

Tourism label
Latitude47.9479100 (N 47° 56’ 52”)
Longitude1.8807340 (E 1° 52’ 51”)
AltitudeFrom 108m to 137m
Surface area19.65 km²
Population16787 inhabitants
Density854 inhabitants/km²
PrefectureOrléans (7.1 km, 12 min)
Insee code45302
IntercommunalityME Orléans Métropole
TerritoriesLoire Valley, Orléanais
RegionCentre-Loire Valley

Nearest cities & towns

Cercottes5 km (7 min)
Ormes5.4 km (9 min)
Saint-Jean-de-la-Ruelle5.7 km (9 min)
Fleury-les-Aubrais6.3 km (8 min)
Ingré6.3 km (11 min)
Orléans6.3 km (12 min)
Semoy6.4 km (10 min)
Gidy6.9 km (10 min)
Saint-Jean-le-Blanc8.7 km (17 min)
Bucy-Saint-Liphard9.6 km (12 min)
La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin9.6 km (15 min)
Saint-Jean-de-Braye9.6 km (13 min)
Chevilly9.8 km (12 min)
Boulay-les-Barres9.9 km (14 min)
Saint-Pryvé-Saint-Mesmin10.2 km (13 min)

Things to see and do

Saran is a town rich in natural heritage and the interesting sights.

Green, City Saran had three flowers in the competition of cities and villages flowered. Natural areas are not lacking in its territory, offering many hiking destinations. One can note the presence of the castle park of the Pond, the park Fassière, or the Médecinerie Park. This is where many city events like the fireworks of July 14 or sporting events Saran. Excavations are conducted regularly at this location and archaeologists have discovered pottery dating from the sixth and the tenth century. Saran also houses part of the forest of Orleans, the largest forest in the country. The site offers hiking trails, the mountain bike trails, or an amusement park and picnic areas for family meals.

Dating back to the sixteenth century, the Church of St. Martin is worth a look, as is the Old Chapel Aydes. The latter was built between the sixteenth and seventeenth century and renovated in the nineteenth century. It now houses the theater of the Black Head.

Places of interest

Performance halls

Events and festivities

Saran The market is held on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8 to 13h.

In May and June, Saran commune has three major events: the Saranaises Dating, a festive weekend for associations, the Children's Festival and Youth, and the Theatre festival on the Grass offering street arts shows.


Tuesday 18 february
Min. -1°C - Max. 11°C
Wednesday 19 february
Min. 2°C - Max. 14°C
Thursday 20 february
Min. 8°C - Max. 15°C

Visits, leisure and activities nearby

Leisure activities

Last nameActivity typeRateCity
Virtual reality adventure : "Press Start" in Orléans
Entertainment30 € Saran
Guided tour of Orleans
Culture and education79 € to 103 € Orléans (5.4 km)
Loire sightseeing trip in a traditional boat
Nature and the great outdoors20 € to 54 € Sigloy (28 km)
Treetop adventure course at the Etang de la Vallée leisure center
Sports sensations12 € to 22 € Combreux (30 km)
Climb to the top of a tree
Sports sensations17 € to 29 € Vieilles-Maisons-sur-Joudry (43 km)


Last nameOuting typeDifficultyDurationDeparture municipality
Orleans Forest Springs Trail
Mountain bike itineraryEasy2:00Les Bordes (42 km)
Circuit of Grignon
HikeEasy3:00Vieilles-Maisons-sur-Joudry (43 km)
Wood of the Gâts
HikeEasy3:00Châteaudun (43 km)
Old Towns
Village visitEasy1:00Châteaudun (43 km)
Path of the Rimarde
Village visitEasy2:00La Neuville-sur-Essonne (45 km)


Bed & breakfasts

Vacation rentals



Your holidays
A hotel
A vacation rental
A bed & breakfast
A campsite
A leisure activity
A restaurant
A rental car
A plane ticket
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