Explo accompanies you in all your outdoor activities in South Ardèche and also in the realization of special stays (school, corporate team building in Ardèche). Canyoning, Climbing, Speleology, Via-Corda or Ferrata, the south Ardèche is full of wonders to discover. Also affiliated to La Base Loisirs Plein Air "Bambou Aventure Canoë Au Terrain", located in the Cévennes d'Ardèche in Les Vans, offers a shaded area with facilities and the discovery of the Chassezac gorges by canoeing independently on the pink boats of Bamboo Aventure Canoë or accompanied by Explo instructors. Activities in Ardèche in Les Vans: The Cévennes d'Ardèche offer a territory rich in opportunities for outdoor activities, climbing on the Casteljau sector, Canyoning and canoeing in the Chassezac, Via Corda in the Gorges du Chassezac and a myriad of wonders to discover!